Thursday, April 28, 2011

Literacy Murals

I was asked to brainstorm ideas to present to the staff for multiple Literacy advocating murals for around the school. I have been slowly collecting ideas for this reason. I would like to put them in kid friendly language to help them advocate for themselves. The list of reasons to read that I would love to be able to incorporate is as follows:

I read for entertainment.
I read to escape.
I read to explore/visit new places.
I read to relax.
I read to learn.
I read to meet new people and make new friends.
I read to travel.
I read to build my vocabulary
I read to build my self-esteem.
I read to improve my concentration and focus.
I read to help my creativity and imagination.
I read to ignite my brain.
I read to improve my writing. (brings out the writer in me)
I read to solve a mystery.
I read to laugh.
I read because I am curious.
I read to feed my brain.

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