Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Busy Bee

I couldn't be more happy with all that is going on right now! I have more projects than I know what to do with. My only regret is that I have to go back to school next week. I tried all summer to be inspired and to create work to showcase or sell and hit nothing but a brick wall. All the pieces are falling into place all of a sudden and I am doing my best to keep up.

Current projects at this time include:

Creating sample work to apply to sell my artwork through Art-o-Mat. This would mean selling 2x3 sample pieces of my art via vintage cigarette machines across the US.

Creating a themed body of work for a future show. (fingers crossed)

Designing a set of notecards.

Christmas gifts

Ceramic work combining my drawing ideas with porcelain.

Creating and finalizing my website.

Overall, I am in the process of creating a body of work to build my business, fill my shops, and promote myself. I feel inspired and excited and wish this feeling and forward movement will last through the beginning of school.

Wish me luck!

new website!

1 comment:

  1. Con! Love the Blog! Website too. I haven't checked the Etsy today, mostly because I'd spend all the money I don't have on your great stuff!
    Wish you luck! Hope school grants the opportunity for con-creations.


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