Saturday, May 28, 2011

Grand Opening!

I am proud to announce the Grand Opening of my Etsy store cstotzer!

To those of you who ask my why I haven't quit my day job and not selling my art work I say, "ta-dah!".

Though I still have my fantastic day job of teaching art at an elementary school, I now have a venue to sell my artwork. It is still under construction, as well as I am doing my best to fill it with goodies. I need to stop nitpicking details and simply post pictures of my work. On the page link bar at the top of the page is a permanent link to my shop for easy viewing. I might also showcase new art for sale here. Please stop by and check it out!

 I would love your feedback in continuing to build a better business and blog.

Thank you for stopping by and for your continued support.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hilarious Letters

I just stumbled across a website that makes me laugh. The site is Dear blank, please blank and the general basis is that it is anonymous letters to whom it may concern. While I was checking this out, I also found an Etsy shop called Sapling Press that is "in cahoots" with this same site and have printed some of the letters from this site. My favorite printed ones are shown below, but their are so many more to chose from on the direct Dear blank site! All in all I think if you need a good laugh or something to make you smile check it out.

Dearblank-noahdear fork, letterpress cardDearblank-Johnjacobdear girls. letterpress card

Handwritten Letters and Snail Mail

I confess that I spend far too much time on the computer wasting my life away. Email, Facebook, Twitter, texting, and the long list of technology based ways that we communicate have become so impersonal. At least once a month I sit down and hand write cards to my friends and family. I let them know I am thinking about them, that they are in my heart, and ask them how they are doing. Pretty simple. I only get junk mail and bills routinely and when I do get that card in the mail from my sisters or grandparents it makes my day. So I try to do the same to those that are close to me. I wish you join me and do the same.

Another reason for my love of letter writing is an excuse to buy more stationary. This also allows me to practice my letter writing skills and newly acquired obsession, calligraphy for addressing the envelope.

Here is your homework:

Hand write and mail a letter to some one close to that has nothing to do with a holiday, just a simple "I was thinking of you" card or letter. It will make their day and their response will make yours.

If you're interested in becoming a pen pal, email me at

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Monday, May 23, 2011

I Got Baby Toes!!!

Tired of me talking about succulents yet?! Well I have achieved my goal of obtaining baby toes! The white pot in the corner of the picture is what I am building my succulent garden in. I was just so excited about finally finding my treasure I wanted to share. They feel like baby's toes too! Like the window tips of my haworthia, baby toes also have translucent tips.

The white plant in front looks like it has been wrapped in cotton candy, it's called a cocoon plant (go figure). Then of course there is the echeveria mazarine. I'm going to get some lavender tinted plants to add to the variety of my growing garden. So excited!

I'd love to hear about any new additions to your house! There is nothing like the accomplishment of growing plants and their beauty to add to your life.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I have been researching dragonflies for a painting, but had no real idea what I wanted to do with it beyond a color scheme. Yesterday morning as I rolled out of bed as soon as my feet hit the floor the idea popped into my head. Wham! I knew exactly what I had to do. I haven't felt the greatest this weekend so I have been slowly plugging along till it was done. I am proud to announce that this painting is for my friend's new nursery. I wanted it to be whimsical and a little cartoonish and feel I pulled it off.

Please feel free to contact me to discuss a commission.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sweet Succulent Success!

I found my first "must have" succulent this morning at Trader Joe's! I had to do some research when I got home to identify this lovely creature. It is a haworthia cuspidata and the cutest ever! I also love the cute pot they came in. I have a big pot I am saving for a collection of succulents. I have a growing list that I would like to put together in an arrangement for my balcony. Please click on the photos for a close up, they are really stunning. I love the transparent vein like design on the tips of each leaf. They are called star window plants for this reason.

Not sure why both cats had to check out the plant at the exact moment I decided to take a picture, but it works.

ps. This in no way has stopped my search for the infamous "baby toes". 

Dig it

Jason Thielke

Using mixed media including laser etching, pencil, and paint on wood, Jason Thielke brings lines to life with a modern twist to contour drawing.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

What's Below the Surface

I used to say that when I drew and was completely in the zone, that for me it wasn't that I was adding pencil to paper but scraping the paper off for you to see the image below. Recently, I found a quote by Michelangelo, when asked when he knew when to stop carving the stone and he replied when he hit skin. I look forward to summer break when there are no more distractions to stop me from diving into that again. I miss that feeling. When everything melts away and I can see clearer.

Sweet Succulent Balls!

I am still on a hunt for the mysterious Baby Toes that my friend has, but all I am finding are E.T. fingers. They are just not the same. My next try will be at the local nursery since Lowe's and Home Depot don't have them. The hanging orbs (succulent balls) are from a company based out of Santa Cruz called DIG, which stands for Design Interior Garden. I love how they have combined inventive and modern ways of integrating design and gardening.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

History of Calligraphy and the Love of Print

I am well aware of my geek-dom, especially when not only do I feel the nee to teach myself calligraphy when bored, but had to research the history of western style calligraphy. I found it to be fascinating! I know  human development through my knowledge of art history and it is interesting how the development of technology and communication has such an impact. Calligraphic history is the development of formal handwriting. Which originated with the Greeks and Etruscans which the Romans developed into three different styles. Due to the rise of Christianity and different churches spread over regions this divided styles once again until the invention of the printing press in 1454. I love reading up on stuff like this. It is like watching dominos fall or a bouncing ball.

Which leads me to my other obsession, stationary, print and typeface. A fantastic friend gave be this delightful book on Letter Press. I love how even the cover is done in the embossed style of letter press!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fabric Designers

Here is a piece of fabric that I found online that I really like and find inspiring. It is a Japanese designer, but has a fun hippy vibe to it too. I am trying to integrate this pattern design into a series of paintings for my living room.

Calligraphy Love

I woke up this morning and began puttering around the house. Again procrastinating on the things I should be doing (gym, school work, cleaning, etc.). I felt the need to practice my calligraphy again. I have been slowly collecting items for a care package for my best friend and sister. I first practiced her address for the box and then decided to re-do a quote from our special poem we share by e. e. cummings.

Benefiting from technology, my sister and I have recently been able to enjoy each other's company via Skype. She lives an ocean apart and this is not conducive for frequent visitations. She just sent me a card giving me crap for not mentioning her on my blog, but secretly I was wondering if she wouldn't mind being a guest or co-writer. She is an amazing writer and we enjoy collaborating on so many different projects. Eventual world domination is the ultimate goal. Naturally.

More to come from our collaborations so please stay tuned. . .

I'd love hear about your favorite sister tale or about someone who is special to you!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Watercolor Update

I recently shared that 3 of my pieces were chosen to be entered for judging to be shown at the college's open house. I am proud to say that all three of my pieces made it into the open house. Word has it that the judges were incredibly strict and some quite ruthless in their judging. So this is quite an accomplishment that all my pieces were accepted.

I also wanted to share the piece I made for my mom for Mother's day now that she has had a chance to open her gift. I chose this because I love the colors and wanted to give her something that was from back east where she grew up.


I am obsessed with design and fonts, so you can see how I am naturally drawn to calligraphy. I am constantly seeing it on wedding invitations and stationary throughout the different design blogs I read. I decided to procrastinate this past weekend with teaching myself how to do calligraphy. I love the Copperplate style best, but am drawn to the calligraphers that have put their own style and updated twist to this traditional style of writing. I love the fluidity of line and movement that is the essence of calligraphy. I feel that practicing this will only strengthen my drawing and painting skills.

What is your most recent procrastination?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Special: Aprons!

In honor of Mother's Day, I thought I'd write about a symbol of the kitchen and cooking. My mother is an incredible cook! She makes your mouth water and your knees weak all at the same time with her amazing creations. She always says she isn't creative, but I disagree. My mom creates master pieces with the ingredients of her pantry as I do with paints on my pallet. I feel she mixes tastes and flavors as I do with color and line. She established a sense of home and family with great food and a tradition of always sitting around the dinner table to eat and to spend time together. Growing up there was never a lack of conversation, whether it intellectual or ridiculous, we still had each other. Although my mom was not one to wear the girlie aprons I am show casing today. They do represent where kitchen and design meet and a middle ground between my mother and I.

I'd love to hear about a fond memory that you have of your mom!


0h my ditaa
Dita Von Teese via: February issue of InStyle magazine 2001

Friday, May 6, 2011

Free Printables, Vintage

I found this great site called Vintage Printable that allows you to do searches for images to print. I typed in blue and these were some of my favorite images that came up. As a kid I used to love studying illustrated science and geography books. To this day I still love looking through animal guide books checking out all the variety in nature and the world around me. If you share my love and would like to decorate your house with these images, please check out this site. I also added the link to the Resources page for future reference.
Are there any specific topics of prints that you are interested in finding or found recently?

Animal - Insect - Butterfly - Blue and Yellow
Art - Haeckel - Microscopic - Radiolarian - Haeckel (15)Loading Image...Botanical - La Flore Des Environs De Paris -  (8)Loading Image...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Strength and Beauty

You can't be a girl and not have heard of MAC cosmetics. I just found out they have a Wonder Woman line and it is getting rave reviews. I have a thing against spending that much money on make-up, but that eye shadow tin alone makes me weak in the knees. Now I just need to get to the gym so I can find the Wonder Woman on the inside.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Roller Skating continued

Cleveland Rollercade

My dad over the years has shared with me his fond memories of roller skating with his dad at the Rollercade in Cleveland. Due to my recent post he forwarded some information regarding where he used to skate. Low and behold my dad had the honor of roller skating in the largest roller rink in America. The floor was the size of a football field! If it was even possible, my dad's cool points just went through the roof!

Before disco balls and leg warmers there was the Wurlitzer organ, which supplied the soundtrack for all the fun times and indelible memories. I've had the privilege of experienceing a Wurlitzer at Pizza and Pipes in Santa Clara (before it was replaced with a big screen tv). It was amazing how it controlled the whole room full of musical instruments and animatronics.

I did some digging and found this video of skating to the sounds of the Wurlitzer which is awe inspiring. 2 min. 30 sec into the video there are couples skating together as if they are dancing on a ballroom floor. When we think of "couples skate" you grab a partner and skate in a circle. *yawn* Oh how I wish it could be like it was, like in the video as they glide in unison across the room.

Please check it out.

Art Inspiration

I found this quote last night and it really hit home with what I have been exploring in my own art recently. I have been going back to days gone by, whether it be my childhood or art school undergrad days, I have been trying to find where I lost myself. I want to be free of the boundaries and restraints I have put on myself.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Roller Skating!


(by Karen Strolia)
Some people have dreams of flying. I have dreams of roller skating. I keep a pair in my car, because you never know when you'll need to pull them out and take off. I love the feeling of freedom and the wind blowing across my face. I always wished I could do tricks on them like ice skaters can. I can do quite a few spins and jumps, but it isn't the same. I am so excited to see a resurgence of roller derby across the country. They even have a place to go to do derby for exercise or as they say, "For women old enough to know better". Below is a collection of roller derby art and advertising. Girls kicking butt and looking hot doing it rocks my world!

"I Have a Bird House in My Soul"

I have grown up with bird feeders and bird watching as a staple in my life. My cats and I enjoy hours of bird watching as they visit to eat and chat. Our frequent flyers are red-headed finches. I originally got a bag of sunflowers for eating, but it makes an incredible mess! I recently found a mess less bird feed that I can't wait to try out.

This being said, I love bird houses. I love the idea of tiny houses. I am going back east this summer to visit my grandfather and I am hoping to bring back a bird house that he has made by hand. *fingers crossed* I wanted to share some of my favorite pictures and designs of bird houses and feeders.